Welcome to Reflect-Therapies...

"Rejuvenation of Your Mind, Body and Soul"

At Reflect, We Focus on Holistic Health and Bringing Your Body Back in Balance. We Offer a Range of Holistic Treatments Ranging from Sports Massage to Energy Work, such as Reiki & Meditation.

Sunday 15 July 2012


Today I am going to be sharing a little insight into what Reiki is and how Reiki can benefit you in your daily life. 

So What is Reiki?
Reiki is a non-intrusive natural form of healing which uses the ancient art of “laying of the hands” to alleviate any form of dis-ease or imbalance in the body, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.  Reiki is a holistic healing modality, which focuses in the individual as a whole and it does not require any massage or any intrusive techniques to bring about balance.  It is also totally non-contra indicative, meaning that it does not cause any harm and can be used to help alleviate any aliment, dis-ease or imbalance in the body.  It can also be used in conjunction with other healing modalities and modern medicine. Reiki is not only used for helping to alleviate imbalance in the person’s body, mind and spirit, but can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual growth.

The Word Reiki
Going deeper into what Reiki is all about, let us look at what the word Reiki.
Reiki is pronounced: “Ray-key” and can be split up into two distinct words namely,
“Rei” and “Ki.”
“Rei” is the “Wisdom and Knowledge of the Universe.” In other words, “Rei”, is the wisdom that guides the creation and functioning of the universe.
The higher intelligence that is all knowing.

“Ki” is the “Life Force” Some other names for “Ki”, which you may have heard of before are, “Chi” and “Prana”. This life force energy flows through every living thing. It is in you and me, plants, animals and it is even present in crystals and inanimate objects. Without this life force energy there would be no life. When one’s “Ki” is blocked or low, it creates an imbalance, which can manifest as an illness or disease.

Together both “Rei” and “Ki” form Reiki, which means, “Universal Life Force”.

So what can Reiki do for YOU?
You do not need to have some dis-ease or illness in order to benefit from a Reiki. It can benefit anyone and anything. The most wonderful thing about Reiki is that, Reiki goes where Reiki is needed. 

Reiki can be used in the following areas:
·         Individual Reiki Treatment – where the person or animal receives a Reiki Session
·         Distant or Surrogate Reiki Treatment – this is great for people who travel and need some healing or help. It can also be used for people who are very sick and cannot come to receive a Reiki session in person. The session is done with the consent of the individual and the Reiki Practitioner carries out the session using a surrogate.
·         Post Operation/ Trauma – Reiki can also be used after any physical trauma to the body, as it accelerates the body’s natural healing abilities and it can also be used to reduce pain.
·         Clearing Negative Energy – Here Reiki is used to clear any negative energy from a room/ home or object, such as crystals.
·         Children and Babies – Reiki is so gentle and non-evasive that it is even safe for children and babies. Over the years, I have even done work on pregnant women, and the results have been fantastic.
·         Animals – Reiki is even beneficial to our animal kingdom, and like children, animals respond very quickly to Reiki.
·         Spiritual and Personal Development – Reiki helps one access that inner wisdom and connection with your higher self.

Reiki has many health benefits and as you can see it can be used in many areas.
 Here are some of the health benefits that one may receive during a Reiki Treatment:
·         Relaxation – ideal for people who need some stress relief
·         Stress Relief
·         Improved overall well-being & health
·         Improved Sleep
·         Pain Relief
·         Reduction in Muscle Tension & Soreness
·         Helps with headaches
·         Aids in releasing past/ present trauma/ blockages from the body, mind and soul & therefore bringing you back into balance.
·         Aids in alleviating any painful or uncomfortable symptoms that are due to an illness and disease. 
The list goes on and on… 

If you have never experienced a REIKI SESSION, then why don't you come and treat yourself to a session!
This is a mind, body and soul experience,
guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed & back in balance!
Reiki Treatments
A Reiki treatment is focused on bringing your body back into balance through the ancient art of “laying of the hands”. Reiki is totally non – contraindicative and can be used to treat any physical, emotional or mental imbalance with in the body. It is fantastic for stress relief and relaxation!
*Reiki Session – R350 *Surrogate/ Distant Reiki Session – R400
*Crystal Therapy – R350
*Reiki Courses (Details on Request)

To book a session contact Reflect on 072 937 8584 or email reflect@polka.co.za

I will be running a REIKI I course in August.
If you would like to find out more about the course, please email me on reflect@polka.co.za
I look forward to hearing from you,
 Ease and Joy

Reiki for Life, Penelope Quest

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